
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tatting up a storm

Well i don't have any pictures to post today in spite of tatting up a storm. I've been tatting jingly bell earrings. Three pairs for a lady at work. One for my son's "friend." I discovered i should only be putting one bead on the picots, not two.
I'm still hobbling around on crutches, but we've added a cold to my suffering. At least we can tat.
The housework is getting a bit behind. The menu leaves somewhat to be desired. My husband needs help to heat microwave food. (I'm not exaggerating). Men from his culture (Arabian) leave the cooking to the women while they sit around and talk about money. (I lived there in the middle east for two years so I know this from experience). I love my husband's family alot. I wouldn't want to live there again, but I'd like to see his family. They call me from Jordan more than my family in the states does.
It's really cold here. I've always hated the cold.
At least I am not in upstate NY with my famly. It's really severe weather there.
In spite of all I seem to be struggling thru I feel really blessed.


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